Hydrogen value chain in the Basque Country.

Value chain

Hydrogen value chain in the Basque Country.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor will drive the hydrogen value chain in the Basque Country.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor is taking forward 54 strategic projects along the entire value chain.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor encompasses projects across the entire green hydrogen ecosystem in the Basque Country. These projects are grouped into activity areas, or Verticals, according to the different segments of the hydrogen value chain, namely Production; Transport, Distribution and Storage; Use in Industry; Use in Mobility and Cross-Cutting projects. Applications in Mobility and Industry are geared towards those players in those two Verticals who are expected to be the offtakers of the green hydrogen produced in the Basque Country. 

  • 59%
    development projects.
  • 41%
    R&D projects.
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9 deployment projects.
4 R&D projects.

Production of hydrogen

Production of hydrogen

Increase hydrogen production capacity.

Renewable hydrogen

7 deployment projects.
4 R&D projects.

Synthetic fuels

2 deployment projects.


3 deployment projects.
10 R&D projects.

Hydrogen infraestructure

Hydrogen infraestructure

Creation and connection of hydrogen infrastructure.


3 deployment projects.
8 R&D projects.


2 R&D projects.

End Uses

17 deployment projects.
8 R&D projects.

End Uses
Decarbonisation end uses

Decarbonisation end uses

Industry, services and residential sector.

Mobility and logistics

Mobility and logistics

Development and application for mobility and the HRS.


6 R&D projects.


17 deployment projects.
2 R&D projects.


4 other projects.
