Aragón Hydrogen Foundation

33 funded projects: the impact of the Aragón Hydrogen Foundation on the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

With 33 funded projects, the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (FHa) is the most successful Spanish organisation in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership calls for proposals, and is among the 20 most successful in Europe, thanks to the close relationship between the two organisations.

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a public-private Institutional Partnership of the European Union that supports research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe with the objective of contributing to the creation of a strong, innovative and competitive European clean hydrogen sector. Its members are the European Commission on the public side, and the private associations Hydrogen Europe (HE) and Hydrogen Europe Research (HER) representing industry and academia respectively.

Within this dynamic working context, collaboration has a key role to play. All institutions, both public and private, are moving forward together to shape and roll out strategies to support and further green hydrogen projects in Europe. For example, Guillermo Figueruelo, head of the Strategic Area at the Aragón Hydrogen Foundation, was appointed more than four years ago as a member of the HER Board and leader of the Hydrogen Valleys Technical Committee, positions to which he was re-elected for the second time at the last HER General Assembly, held last June in Budapest.

But this collaboration goes beyond projects: it also involves working together on drawing up European roadmaps. The fact that hydrogen experts are working alongside the organisations heading the roadmaps is key to actually rolling out ideas and moving from theory to practice through specific projects.

Source: Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón

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