The BH2C, at the event organised by the Chambers of Commerce with the Hydrogen Valleys of the Atlantic Regions.
Representatives of the Hydrogen Valleys and Clusters of the Cantabrian coast came together on 12 February at the headquarters of the Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) in the Abanto Zierbana Technology Park, in an event organised by the Chambers of Commerce of the Atlantic Arc. The twin objective of the event was, on the one hand, to learn about the initiatives already being taken forward in this field, and secondly, to analyse the role that the Chambers of Commerce can play to help turn the opportunities that this energy vector represents for the whole region into a reality.
The event is one of the activities being organised by the Atlantic Arc Chambers of Commerce, a forum for reflection and cooperation involving 21 Chambers of Commerce from the Atlantic regions of Portugal, Spain and France which are jointly looking to transform the Atlantic Arc into a more competitive and sustainable region through the development of renewable energies and hydrogen. To this end, the Chambers have set up a Working Group to Support the Hydrogen Corridor and Map, with a view to analysing the opportunities in this field.
José Ignacio Zudaire, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao, took part in the event in representation of the Chambers of Commerce of the Atlantic Arc, together with representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of Álava, Avilés, Burgos, Cantabria, Gijón, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Torrelavega, Oviedo and Vigo. Also present were representatives from the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C), the Galician Hydrogen Association (AGH2), ReCoDe H2 (Reactivation, Competitiveness and Decarbonisation of Asturias with Renewable H2), the Cantabria Hydrogen Platform (PH2C) and the Castilla y León Hydrogen Association (H2CYL).
The event was also attended by Enagas, Redeia and the Bilbao Port Authority, as providers of the infrastructure necessary for the distribution of hydrogen; and Petronor, as a potential industrial consumer of this energy carrier which is key to progress in decarbonisation. In addition to Jose Ignacio Zudaire, President of the BH2C, also present at the event were Ainara Basurko and Cristina Mugica, Head of Economic Promotion and General Director of Regional Competitiveness and Foreign Promotion of the Bizkaia Provincial Council, respectively; Mikel Amundarain, General Manager of EVE; and representatives from the University of Cantabria, the Regional Government of Cantabria, the Regional Government of Navarre and the University of Burgos, as well as companies interested in the development of hydrogen.