Hydrogen Valley Days event.

The BH2C takes part in the Hydrogen Valley Days event in Brussels.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C) has taken part in the EU Hydrogen Valley Days event, co-organised by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and the European Commission on 17 and 18 June and attended by more than 350 people to discuss and shape the future of European hydrogen valleys.

The first day provided an overview of the current policy context, noting that 74 of the 98 hydrogen valleys included in the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform are European. Among other valuable lessons, it was concluded that it will be key to foster information exchange among Hydrogen Valley community members, learning from each other and to access public funding.

The key takeaways from the second day of the event, focused on funding, start-ups, the perspective and role of European industry and skills, were as follows:

  • Although there are plenty of funding opportunities in place, buyers and producers need to be matched up and greater flexibility is required.
  • Investors are interested in working with demonstrators, large-scale projects and business certainties to start investing.
  • Hydrogen valleys are excellent platforms to connect interested parties.

Source: Clean Hydrogen Partnerhip 1 y 2

H2 Valley Days

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