
The CEIT technology centre joins the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C).

The CEIT technology centre has joined the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C) as participants in the H2MAT project "Hybrid multilayer metal structures to be used in contact with hydrogen", which is already included in the BH2C within Vertical 2: Transport, Distribution and Storage.  

The objective of the project is to achieve multilayer structures that solve the problems posed by steels in contact with hydrogen. Furthermore, the project sets out to bridge the knowledge gaps detected in the state of the art, such as the manufacture of hybrid structures of different types and studies of their behaviour in the presence of H2. H2MAT is a project approved in the ELKARTEK 2022 call for proposals and led by Mondragón Unibertsitatea.

CEIT also plays an important role in the H-ACERO project as a subcontractor. This project, which will conclude at the end of 2023, is contributing to the decarbonisation of the steel sector, using hydrogen as an alternative energy source at various points in the steel production process.

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