Close-out meeting of the H2MAT project in the BEC.

The Energy Cluster organises the final transfer workshop of the Elkartek H2MAT project on research into materials used in contact with hydrogen.

On 19 January, the close-out meeting of the H2MAT project "Multilayer hybrid metallic structures for use in contact with hydrogen" was held at the BEC, in the presence of 13 companies with an interest in the findings of the research.

During the event, which was attended by 34 representatives from 22 different organisations along the hydrogen value chain, several project partners shared the main conclusions reached after two years of research in areas such as High Entropy Alloys (HEAs), showing their characteristics and possible uses in contact with hydrogen; the hybridisation of HEAs with steel, showing their compatibility and the interfaces obtained using different technologies; and the technologies analysed for the permeation, adsorption and absorption of hydrogen in steels.

The session was followed by a dialogue session in which the companies present expressed their interest and offered their points of view on the aspects of the project of most interest to them. The companies taking part in the event were: Hine, Iberdrola, Lumiker, Innomat Coatings, Nippon Gases, Saitec, Talleres Hadimek, Tamoin, TDF Pump Rental, Team Ingeniería and Ulma Forja, as well as the consortium partners Sidenor and Tubacex. The event was also attended by other organisations such as Cidetec, Lortek and SPRI.

The H2MAT project is funded by the Elkartek 2022 programme of the Basque Government Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, and is part of the BH2C Association.

Source: Cluster de Energía

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