
Graduation of the students on the first Inter-University Master's Degree in Hydrogen Technologies, promoted by Petronor.

A graduation ceremony has been held for the 57 students who have graduated in the first inter-university Master's Degree in Hydrogen Technologies, promoted by Petronor. Through the course, the new graduates have acquired innovative and cutting-edge knowledge in the field of hydrogen and its associated technologies, and have been trained in the potential of these technologies to contribute to the energy transition, with particular emphasis on energy production, transport, storage, transformation and the energy market. The ceremony was held simultaneously at the different sites where the programme is taught: Bilbao, Barcelona, Tarragona and Zaragoza.

This inter-university Master's degree involves 5 universities and 6 training and research centres, and is promoted by Petronor and Repsol. More specifically, the different universities hosting the post-graduate degree are Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the Rovira i Virgili University and the University of Zaragoza, whilst the training and research centres include the Somorrostro Integrated Vocational Training Centre, the Comte de Rius Institute in Tarragona, the Escola del Treball Institute in Barcelona, the Pirámide Integrated Public Vocational Training Centre, the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) and the Hydrogen Foundation of Aragon.

This collaboration is designed to speed up the development of hydrogen technologies in industry, and stems from the initiative to create a knowledge centre, linked to the BH2C, to help turn the Basque Country into a productive green economy and to spearhead a new energy model.

Source: Petronor

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