
Madrileña Red de Gas and the Japanese company Osaka Gas visit H2Sarea.

Last week, Nortegas welcomed a delegation of representatives from Madrileña Red de Gas on a visit to its H2Sarea facilities. Izaskun Gorostiaga, General Director of Strategy and Sustainability at Nortegas, explained to them the significant progress being made at this test site, which is paving the way for hydrogen distribution using existing natural gas networks.

Nortegas also recently received a visit from representatives of the Japanese company Osaka Gas Co., who were shown first-hand the work being done by Nortegas to meet the energy challenges. After visiting the H2Sarea headquarters in Bilbao, the delegation was given a guided tour of the facilities in Zamudio. Osaka Gas expressed great interest in this facility, and the projects being taken forward in Japan to address the process of transitioning towards decarbonisation were discussed in detail.

H2Sarea, led by Nortegas and with the participation of ABC Compressors, Erreka, Fidegas, H2SITE, Orkli, Tecnalia, CNH2 and Ikerlan as consortium partners, is a project to develop advanced technological solutions for the safe distribution of hydrogen in the natural gas distribution network.

Source: Nortegas 1 and 2


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