Jose Ignacio Zudaire, in the interview with the newspaper Berria.

The President of the BH2C, in an interview in the newspaper Berria, highlights the use of hydrogen technology as a business driver for Basque companies.

With the permission of Berria, the following is a summary of the interview published in the newspaper with José Ignacio Zudaire, President of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C), which focused primarily on the use of hydrogen in the future as a business driver for Basque companies.

Zudaire presented the BH2C as a key industrial development project for Basque companies to decarbonise their activity while, at the same time, developing their own technology. The approach is to use hydrogen to strengthen Basque industry and to create an ecosystem and an economy around it, including the export of green steel and synthetic fuels made from hydrogen.

Throughout the interview, Zudaire highlighted the different key activity areas of the BH2C, including the decarbonisation of industry, the deployment of 2.5, 10 and 100 MW electrolysers, the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), the blending of hydrogen with natural gas, hydrogen-powered heavy transport and the creation of new technology companies for the production of hydrogen.

Source: Berria

José Ignacio Zudaire

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