Representantes industriales de Brasil e India visitan el EIC

Representatives of industry from Brazil and India visit the EIC to learn about the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

A delegation of 20 representatives from the aeronautics, advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors, in the Basque Country to attend the BIEMH (International Machine Tool Fair), has visited the EIC, where Asier Madariaga, a member of the BH2C technical office, explained the key aspects of the Association and the main advances and achievements to date of the hydrogen projects.

This Reverse Mission, organised by Basque Trade & Investment of the SPRI Group, focused on showcasing the strengths of the Basque Country in 3 main sectors; Energy, Automotive and Machine Tools. In addition to visiting the BH2C, the Reverse Mission also included visits to Wind Energy, the Port of Bilbao, Tecnalia, AIC/ACICAE, Mondragon Corporation and Fagor Arrasate.

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