Jesús Valero, Managing Director of Tecnalia, and Alex Belaustegui, President of Tecnalia.

Tecnalia reports a turnover of 137 million euros in 2023, with hydrogen as one of the technology centre's main areas of research activity.

The Tecnalia research and technology development centre has reported a turnover of 137 million euros in 2023, as a result of technology transfer to the business sector. As such, it has managed to deliver a 13-fold return on every euro it raises in research funds and convert them into income for the business fabric, thereby increasing its efficiency in the transfer of technology to society at large. These figures represent a 7.4% increase on the previous year and consolidate the organisation's leadership as a benchmark centre in R&D&I for companies.

In the field of hydrogen and over the course of 2023, Tecnalia has set up a pioneering laboratory in Donostia-San Sebastian dedicated to the development of technologies for the production, storage, transport, distribution, use and safety of hydrogen. Currently, more than 50 projects are being taken forward in research and validation of hydrogen technologies, and to scale them up to accelerate their industrialisation. Hydrogen is one of the centre's main technological commitments on account of its growth potential for 2024.

Source: El Diario Vasco

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