Meeting of the Production Vertical at Tecnalia (Donostia).

The third meeting of the Production Vertical, held at Tecnalia, focuses on natural hydrogen and the main technological developments at Sener.

The third meeting of the BH2C Production Vertical, led by Petronor and Enagás Renovable, was held on Tuesday, 9 April, at the Tecnalia headquarters in Donostia. The event brought together 36 people from the 22 organisations that form part of this Vertical.

Adrián Devesa, Coordinator of Strategy, Communications and Regulatory Affairs, and Jose Manuel de Pablo, Project Manager, both from Enagás Renovable, together with Javier Perea, from Petronor, S.A., detailed the latest developments in the Production Vertical led by the two companies, as well as the relevant regulatory aspects surrounding it.

The meeting also included a presentation by Jesús María Lata, CTE of Energy and Technical Director of Renewable Hydrogen Production Developments at Sener, on the company's technological developments towards the competitiveness of renewable hydrogen, and another presentation by Jordi Tritlla i Cambra, from GEMIX - Consulting in Ore Deposits, Diagenesis and Energy, on natural or geological hydrogen. The meeting ended with a visit to Tecnalia's recently inaugurated hydrogen laboratories.

All the presentations used in the conference are available in the Members section of the BH2C website, in the Documentation sub-section. Access to this information is restrticed by username and password. If you require access to this section, please contact the technical office at

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