Basque Hydrogen Research Day.

BH2C projects take centre stage at the second edition of the Energy Cluster's Basque Hydrogen Research Day.

On Friday 21 February, the Energy Cluster organised the second edition of the Basque Hydrogen Research Day at the BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre), bringing together R&D representatives from the business community and the main Basque hydrogen research consortia.

The event began with an opening speech by Jaione Ganzarain, Vice-Minister of Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Basque Government, and also featured presentations from Camel Makhloufi, CEO of XMEM; Elena Verdú, Head of Hydrogen Technologies and Synthetic Fuels at Repsol Technology Lab; and Jeremy Torregrosa, from Alba Emission Free Energy.

For the second part of the morning, those attending the event were given the opportunity to take part in any one of the four transfer workshops, in which the progress and results to date of the Elkartek H2BASQUE, H2MAT+, HIDRURA and ONTZHI research projects were presented as part of the Basque Government's programme to support collaborative research among organisations in the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network.

The event provided a platform for the transfer of the findings of these projects to industry. Special mention should be made of three of these projects which form part of the BH2C:

  • H2BASQUE focuses on the development of innovative technologies, such as PEM and AEM electrolysis and thermochemical cycles, to produce green hydrogen at a competitive cost.
  • H2MAT+ is looking to develop methodologies to produce and evaluate metallic materials and structures in terms of their behaviour in the presence of hydrogen.
  • ONTZHI is a research project into new materials and coatings to make hydrogen storage and transport technologies and solutions safer, more compact, more profitable and more sustainable.

Source: Cluster de Energía

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