
Validation and characterisation of the use of synthetic fuel (ptL Power to Liquid) in gas turbines

Project description

The objective of the project, in line with the strategy of other BH2C members, is to validate and characterise the use of synthetic fuel in gas turbines for use in aeronautical applications. The synthetic fuels will be produced using green hydrogen and CO2 sequestered in production processes or power generation as feedstock. Once the synthetic fuel has been obtained in collaboration with BH2C members, ITP Aero will validate its use in gas turbines by performing tests on an existing engine. These tests will characterise and verify the operation of the turbine.

In addition, the tests will be used to measure the turbine's exhaust gases and thus compare the environmental improvements obtained by using synthetic fuels in the propulsion of aeronautical engines. In short, the project will enable progress to be made in the decarbonisation of the aeronautical sector through the use of hydrogen.


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Project type

04. Use in Mobility

Project leader