
The BH2C attends two events in Brussels.

Representatives of the BH2C have recently attended two events in Brussels. The title of the first one, a 2-day workshop held on 28 February and 1 March and organised by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, the European Hydrogen Valleys Partnership and the Northern Netherlands region, was 'Towards an EU Roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys – Regional actors and their role: double the number of valleys by 2025 and build-up skills' . The workshop was designed to showcase the opportunities and challenges, both for regions and for local players, involved in deploying and scaling up hydrogen valleys in Europe, with the objective of doubling the number of valleys by 2025. To achieve this, the EC has earmaked a further 200 million euros for the Clean Hydrogen Partnership through the REPowerEU Plan.

The second event, held on the afternoon of 1 March in Brussels under the title Hydrogen Valley Event: ‘Repowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys: showcasing innovative solutions’, saw the signing by the EC of a joint declaration under the title “Moving the hydrogen economy from niche to scale”, involving the European hydrogen industry, the scientific community and EU regions in a joint effort to accelerate actions with a view to further developing hydrogen valleys.

The declaration aims to encourage continued investment in research and innovation, promote collaboration between funding resources, knowledge sharing, education and skills training, and calls for the development of regional hydrogen networks and interconnections between hydrogen valleys.

To accelerate the roll out of hydrogen valleys across Europe and to implement REPowerEU and the New European Innovation Agenda, a roadmap will be presented in the course of 2023. The challenges and opportunities faced by players in the hydrogen value chain will be factored in as key input in the preparation of this roadmap.

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