Petronor electrolyser.

Projects of Petronor, Repsol and Enagás, included in the final EU list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI).

Of the 166 projects that make up the final EU list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMI), 65 are hydrogen and electrolyser projects. These include the pipeline network that will carry green hydrogen produced in Spain and Portugal to central and northern Europe (H2Med), the Spanish backbone network, five electrolyser facilities and two underground storage facilities. Categorisation as PCI gives these projects access to advantages such as simplified permitting and eligibility for EU funding.

With regard to electrolyser installations in Spain, Petronor's 2.5 MW large-scale electrolyser in Bilbao has been selected. This is in addition to the 150 MW electrolyser of the Tarragona hydrogen network, which is being promoted by Repsol. The company is also a partner, together with Enagás and Engie, in the 100 MW large-scale electrolyser project in Cartagena.

Consideration has also been given to the hydrogen pipeline project to transport green hydrogen from Barcelona to Marseille, known as H2Med, in which Enagás is a partner. The project provides for a connection between Celorico da Beira in Portugal and Zamora in Spain (CelZa) and a subsea connection between Barcelona and Marseille (BarMar). The section between Celorico (Portugal) and Zamora will extend over 248 kilometres, with an estimated cost of 350 million euros. In the case of the Barcelona-Marseille (France) section, the estimated cost is 2.5 billion euros for a 455-kilometre connection.

Finally, the Enagás "H2 storage North" 1 and 2 underground hydrogen storage project in Cantabria and the Basque Country is also included, with a planned capacity of 335 and 240 GWh respectively.

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