The current Tecnalia Hydrogen Laboratory.

Tecnalia extends its hydrogen laboratory to decarbonise heavy transport.

After opening new facilities in February to house all its research into this alternative energy source, the Basque technology centre Tecnalia will continue to strengthen its lines of research into the multiple possibilities offered by hydrogen.

These facilities, with over 1,000 square metres of floor space in the Gipuzkoa Science and Technology Park in Donostia-San Sebastian, house more than fifty projects on hydrogen generation, storage, distribution and transport, and the uses and safety of hydrogen. However, work is already underway to expand and extend the activity of the research centre to the new building under construction, scheduled to be ready by 2026. According to Crónica Vasca, "a large part of the new building will be for hydrogen-related use, mainly focused on the mobility sector and, more specifically, for heavy transport, with a second laboratory where, according to Ekain Fernández, hydrogen expert and head of the laboratory, they plan to "test their own prototypes".

Tecnalia's commitment to hydrogen is clear. "We support industry with our testing capabilities, but we also support the development and manufacturing side because there is still no hydrogen industry, so now is the time to take this step. It is essential to move ahead, paving the way for the industry that comes after", stresses José Luis Elejalde, Director of the Tecnalia Energy, Climate and Urban Transition Unit. The Basque research centre develops products and safety measures that companies can then bring to market. "The key to our activity is to try to get ahead and, as we are convinced that in a few years there will be a new economy based on hydrogen, we believe that the Basque Country and Spain probably have a very important opportunity to be ahead of the game," says Elejalde.

Source: Crónica Vasca

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