Jose Manuel de Pablo, from Enagas.

The BH2C takes part in the Summer Course of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

The BH2C was represented at the course by Jose Manuel de Pablo, coordinator of the asset management area at Enagás Renovable, who gave a presentation as leader of the Production vertical alongside Petronor, S.A..

Luis Iglesias Rodriguez, Director of Hydrogen Operations and Business Development at Enagás Renovable, also took part in the round table discussion "What does the hydrogen market need to be a reality in 2030?" The panel included other experts from the energy sector, with whom Luis Iglesias had the opportunity to learn about other projects being taken forward in Spain.

In the course of his talk, various topics were discussed, such as the difficulties in transitioning to new engines in the automotive sector, the regulations required for the development of the hydrogen sector, and how to transport the gas. In addition, the panellists took questions from the students of this summer course on the maturity of electrolysis technology and how to scale it up to roll out the large-scale projects currently in the pipeline.

Source: Enagás Renovable

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